Who we are

Mill Museum Working Group:

Gary Bagley and Pat Ranzoni, Co-chairs
Julia Gray, Larry Wahl, Ryan Pickoski, Ron Russell, Marie Roy, Chip & Marie Stubbs, Jean Lamontanaro, Jane Donnell, Rick Doyle, Amos Orcutt, Bill Tymoczko, Ed Ranzoni, Leo Grunwald, Gene & Jo Sanborn, Arline Smart Lamarche

Other volunteers and supporters: Meg Keay (retired), Lynn & Tom Moriarity, Bobby Wardwell & crew, WeStore staff, Ray Seamans (retired), Ben Lincoln, Hazel Hutchinson, Ernie Smith, Bill Stubbs, Maine AFL - CIO

The Bucksport Working Group is a diverse group of people interested in preserving the history of the Bucksport paper mill. The group is made up of former mill workers and people whose friends and family members once worked at the mill. Group members contribute in a variety of ways helping with tasks such as fundraising, public relations, securing the deed for the building, curating the collection, renovation consulting, restoration volunteers, museum consulting, and envisioning exhibits and education.

Meet some of the team

  • Patricia Smith Ranzoni

    Patricia Smith Ranzoni


    Pat was named the Poet Laureate of Bucksport in 2014. She is the editor of Still Mill: Poems, Stories & Songs of Making Paper in Bucksport Maine, 1930-2014

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  • Gary Bagley

    Gary Bagley


    Gary is the Vice President of the Bucksport Historical Society. He was instrumental in helping to secure the deed to the gatehouse building for the museum.

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  • Chip Stubbs

    Wesley "Chip" Stubbs


    Chip was the Machine Tender who shut down Paper Machine #5 for the final time when the mill closed permanently in 2014.

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  • Lawrence Wahl

    Lawrence Wahl


    Larry’s restoration experience includes renovating historic Wilson Hall, a former seminary building in Bucksport, which now houses apartments.

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  • Marie Roy

    Marie Roy


    Marie started out at the mill worksite as a secretary for Wade and Searway during the #4 paper machine rebuild. She was also an on-call employee through Page Employment, working primarily in Finishing & Shipping. Then in May of 1988, she was hired as a spare in the secretarial union, OPEIU.

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  • Jean Lamontanaro

    Jean Lamontanaro


    Jean worked at the mill for four summers as a student employee. She is currently the Marketing Manager for S. W. Cole Engineering in Hermon, Maine.

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  • Amos Orcutt

    Amos E. Orcutt


    In February 2024, Amos E. Orcutt, professional fundraiser and Bucksport native, presented "Best Practices & Principles of Fundraising" to a joint meeting of the Bucksport Historical Society and Paper Mill Museum, becoming a member of the Working Group.

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  • Leo Grunwald

    Leo W. Grunwald


    Leo Grunwald is a mill historian and volunteer on the Gatehouse renovation work under Chip Stubbs, Foreman.

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  • Jane Donnell

    Jane (Berry) Donnell


    Jane is Theatre and Marketing Manager in Donor Services for Northeast Historic Film/Alamo Theatre in Bucksport.

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  • Arline Smart Lamarche

    Arline Smart Lamarche


    Former mill worker, mill photographer and historian. Volunteer with Chip Stubbs' Gatehouse Renovation crew.

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  • Eugene Sanborn & Joanne Soper Sanborn

    Eugene Sanborn & Joanne Soper Sanborn


Founding Donors

We express our wholehearted gratitude to donors who helped save the future museum building, the old mill guardhouse, for protecting the evidence of world-class papermaking on the site from 1930 to 2014. By their early and generous contributions the individuals and groups remembered and honored here have demonstrated their belief with us in the importance and possibilities of a paper mill museum where generations of our people devoted their labor and earned their families’ livelihoods for close to a century. With everlasting respect we dedicate this Founding Union to those echoes and images which you have helped rescue.

Gatehouse Donors

The Gatehouse Fund will finance the facility's renovation and outfitting in preparation for exhibits under the expertise of foreman Chip Stubbs, builder and longtime Tender of Paper Machine #5, in consultation with local businessman and artist Larry Wahl, restorer and steward of historical buildings. Thank you to those who have contributed so far. There is still time to donate to this ongoing campaign. Find out how to make a contribution.